FSC Mourns the Loss of Dahlia Sky and Jake Adams

In the past week, the adult community has lost two of its most loved members, Dahlia Skye and Jake Adams. While their situations and histories may be different, the devastation we feel is the same. We are a small, tight knit community and the loss of one of our own — let alone two in the same week — is a shocking emotional blow. 

We offer our condolences to the families of Dahlia and Jake, and share in the grief of all those who loved them. These are difficult times for many of us, and it is essential that we understand we are not dealing with these losses alone. 

Many of us face grief, depression and anxiety when dealing with the loss of a friend or colleague. For those who may be struggling to deal with such issues, the resources below can help you navigate and survive. If you are in search of sex positive/sex worker friendly mental health resources and support groups, please refer to the list below and reach out to FSC should you have questions.

Pineapple Support

Performer-founded and performer led mental health services and emotional support. Pineapple Support hosts a 24/7 active listening service, and free and low-cost individual and group therapy. 

Los Angeles Department of Mental Health (Los Angeles)

Information, counseling, hotlines and access to care and services for Los Angeles residents struggling with mental health issues.

St. James Infirmary (Bay Area)

A peer-based occupational health and safety clinic for sex workers and their families, offering peer counseling and psychotherapy as well as primary care and sexual health services.

Adult Performance Artists Guild (APAG)

APAG fights for the rights and well-being of adult performers, content creators, and other sex workers, including referrals to mental health and other professional services. 

Adult Performer Advocacy Committee (APAC)

The Adult Performer Advocacy Committee advocates to maintain and improve safety and working conditions in the adult film industry by giving adult performers education and organized representation in matters that affect our health, safety, and community.

BIPOC Adult Industry Collective (BIPOC-AIC)

BIPOC Collective supports the diverse community of BIPOC adult performers and sex-workers within the adult industry through advocacy as well as support groups, microgrants and mutual aid.

Sex Worker Outreach Project (Los Angeles chapter)

We are sex workers of all backgrounds who are interested in building support for each other. Sex work can cause feelings of isolation and connecting with someone who has had a similar experience can be comforting. To learn more, send us an email or give our hotline a call. Peers are verified and vetted for security

Abeni (Orange County)

Abeni exists to create a safe, confidential place for those working in the Orange County sex trades, as well as those being domestically sex trafficked. We aim to be a present source of relevant, relational, and holistic support for those who are working or have worked in the adult entertainment industry.

The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project’s trained counselors are here to support you 24/7. If you are a young person in crisis, feeling suicidal, or in need of a safe and judgment-free place to talk, call the TrevorLifeline now at 866-488-7386.


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