Mobilize Your Users to Oppose Age Verification Bills with FSC’s Action Modal
The best way to influence legislators is through their voters – your website’s users.
That’s why FSC made this free, simple-to-use tool for websites. It helps your users take action to prevent age-verification from passing in their state!
All website owners have to do is copy and paste this code into their footer:
<script src=""></script>
When a user visits your website, the script checks to see whether they have already seen the pop up (using a cookie). If not, it checks whether they are in a state with a pending age-verification bill. If they are, it displays a pop up window asking them to oppose the bill:
Any links clicked will open in a new window/tab.
Clicking anywhere on the page (including the links) will close the pop up.
Whether or not the user clicks the links, the cookie is set, ensuring that they do not see the message again.
Why did FSC create this?
Politicians' number one priority is reelection, so they care far more about what the voters in their district think than what the porn industry thinks. We were able to defeat Arizona's law in 2024 by mobilizing constituents to pressure the governor into vetoing a bill that the legislature had passed. We think we can do it again this year in more states.
Which states will see the pop up?
Any state with pending age-verification legislation. The list is kept up-to-date on Github.
Can I see the code before adding to my website?
Of course! The code is stored on Github.
What happens when the user clicks the link to contact their representatives?
They are taken to a form where they can send a message to their elected officials.
(Example: Illinois)
What if the user isn't in the state associated with their IP address?
Under the button urging them to take action, we link to a page explaining that geotargeting is imperfect and that they could still be affected by the law even if they don't live in that state.
Do I have to pay to use this?
No. FSC is providing access to this code (including the geolocation service) free of charge so that websites can mobilize their customers to stop the spread of bad age-verification laws. In the event that the number of API requests surpasses FSC's budget, the pop up will simply not appear.
What if I have a problem adding the code or the pop up looks wrong?
Let Alison know!