2024 Annual Report
fighting age verification in the legislatures and the courts
ending banking discrimination against our industry
Free Speech Coalition is dedicated to protecting the rights and freedoms of the adult industry
Executive Director
Alison Boden
Deputy Executive Director
Director of Public Policy
Mike Stabile
Membership Director
Meghan Lyon
Dear Friends,
On behalf of the FSC Board of Directors and staff, we’re proud to present the 2024 Free Speech Coalition annual report. The challenges we faced this year became more numerous and pressing, but we were able to respond because our members and donors supported their businesses and their industry by supporting FSC.
As we looked back on this year and what the organization accomplished, it was truly remarkable.
We challenged the threatened implementation of censorious age-verification statutes in dozens of state legislatures and eleven federal courts, culminating in the U.S. Supreme Court hearing our challenge to the Texas law. We developed a proof-of-concept and applied for a provisional credit union charter with very positive responses from regulators. We are building a new organization for pleasure products professionals. And we continued to perform the everyday work of a trade association such as assisting members facing business issues, hosting educational webinars, and representing the industry in the media. In short, FSC put in the work and delivered tangible results that strengthen our industry and ensure the continued growth and success of our members.
We are profoundly grateful to the members and donors who recognize the value we provide and invest in our mission to protect the rights and freedoms of the adult industry.
Alison Boden
Executive Director
Jeffrey J. Douglas
Board Chair
Stopping Age-Verification Bills Before They Become Laws This year, 57 age-verification bills were proposed in 29 states. FSC played a major role in the defeat of the 80% that were defeated – especially in California and Arizona, where we met with legislators, testified at hearings, mobilized hundreds of organizations and individuals in opposition, secured amendments to, and eventually defeated bills that would’ve impacted almost 40% of American adults.
Fighting Age-Verification Laws in Court As of December 31, 2024, we’ve filed seven federal cases challenging state age verification laws, one of which (FSC v. Paxton) will be heard at the US Supreme Court on January 15, 2025. Actively litigating in seven district courts, three appeals courts, and the Supreme Court simultaneously is a difficult and expensive undertaking, but it’s necessary to protect our industry’s First Amendment rights and our freedom to do business without the constant threat of ruinous civil lawsuits and government attacks.
Providing Information, Resources, and Assistance FSC works hard to keep the industry informed through resources like our in-depth age-verification FAQ, up-to-the minute bill tracker, regular legislative updates, and critical announcements (such as warning the industry about legal action in Kansas). Dozens of websites wishing to block traffic use our landing pages to inform and politically activate users in states with age-verification laws. And, importantly, we provide direct assistance to companies affected by age-verification lawsuits and enforcement actions.
Starting a Credit Union for the Adult Industry After announcing our intention to create a financial institution to serve the adult entertainment and pleasure products sectors at the January XBIZ Show, we got to work recruiting an organizing committee, conducting the research, and developing the plans required by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) to secure a provisional charter. We submitted our application in September and are currently incorporating the feedback received from NCUA in December to make updates and further strengthen our submission before undertaking the final charter application in 2025!
Raising Policymaker Awareness About Banking Discrimination With the help of our lobbyists in Washington DC, FSC held meetings with federal financial regulators, including the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, to address derisking practices across the banking industry. In addition, FSC made an official Statement for the Record to Congress, submitted comment on Treasury Department policy, and met with White House officials this year to educate them about the banking discrimination our industry faces.
FSC officially launched the Sexual Wellness Professional Alliance in 2024, a new organization created to address the unique needs of the pleasure products industry. The group hit the ground running, organizing member meetups at major trade shows, launching a successful educational webinar series, and establishing a professional mentorship program for members.
Defending and Representing Our Industry From taking action to remove the legal names of over 13,000 adult performers from a publicly-posted data dump, to defending our industry in countless press stories, to educating the mainstream tech world about our industry’s commitment to trust and safety, FSC is dedicated to protecting and advocating for the adult industry in every arena.
We presented our first-annual FSC Advocacy Award at the 2024 XBIZ Honors to highlight the contributions of two individuals whose work kept our industry informed of the important developments that affect our livelihoods and made a serious impact on public perceptions of adult entertainment and legislation that affects it. Their passion and deep commitment to this industry are inspiring and they deserve to be recognized for their amazing work.

On Wednesday, January 15, 2025, Free Speech Coalition v Paxton will be argued at the Supreme Court of the United States.
The stakes could not be higher – a decision in Texas’ favor could eliminate long-standing protections for sexual content. A win for FSC would allow us to continue the fight against age-verification laws in the US.
We Need Your Support Now More Than Ever
Our industry is not a monolith, politically or otherwise, but to most outsiders, we are the same. And we are a target.
The Free Speech Coalition could not exist without the generous companies and individuals that invest in our mission to protect the rights and freedoms of our industry.
While 2024 was an enormous year for FSC, 2025 promises to bring even more challenges and opportunities. Your contributions fuel our advocacy, support our initiatives, and empower us to fight for the rights and protections you deserve.
Free Speech Coalition members make our efforts to protect the rights and freedoms of the adult industry possible.
Our industry is facing an all-out assault on multiple fronts. We need a strong voice who can advocate for our industry in Washington, in state legislatures, in the courts and in the press. Our business is protecting your business.
If you’re ready to join the fight, go to freespeechcoalition.com/join